Polar Rules Syntax

Polar is Oso's configuration language. It is a declarative, logic-based language that is optimized for handling the ambiguity inherent in writing authorization policies. Most folks can learn the basics in an hour. This guide is a brief description of the core syntax of Polar.

Each Polar file defines a set of rules. When a Polar file is loaded into the authorization engine, all rules are added to the engine's knowledge base, which can then be queried for authorization decisions.


Polar parses a sequence of numeric characters, optionally prefixed with a + or -, as a value of type Integer. Polar integers are 64-bit signed integers.


The @current_unix_time keyword can be used to refer to the unix time (the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 at midnight UTC) at the time of a query. For example, if you have a fact expires_at(File:foo, 1670280790) indicating the time that the "foo" file expires, you could use this for time-based access:

has_permission(_: Actor, "read", file: File) if
expires_at(file, time) and @current_unix_time < time;


Polar parses the keywords true and false as boolean values.


Polar supports double-quoted (") strings, which can be used to represent any textual data. Quotes within strings can be escaped with a single backslash ("\""). Two strings are considered equal if they have the same length and each of their corresponding characters are equal.

The string type can be referenced as String for use as a specializer or with the matches operator:

is_string(_s: String);
is_string(s) if s matches String;

Object Literal

Polar supports object literals that have the format specializer{string}. Object literals can limit rules to a unique instance of an application type. The value of an object literal is always a string.

For example, the following rule states that an actor is an internal user if they are a member of the acme Organization:

is_internal_user(actor: Actor) if
has_role(actor, "member", Organization{"acme"});


Integers, booleans, and strings can also be expressed as object literals; i.e., Boolean{true} = true succeeds. These object literals only accept values that are of compatible types.


Rules are logical statements that may be conditional ("if this then that").

The simplest rule is the statement of a fact, such as:


This rule is unconditional: it states that Yogi is a bear.

However, a rule can also be conditional. Consider the following:

is_person(x) if is_bear(x);

This rule states that x is a person if x is a bear. Given a policy consisting of the above pair of rules, Oso Cloud can infer that Yogi is a person because we've told it that Yogi is a bear and that if something is a bear then it is a person. Bears are people, too, y'know.


In Polar, a variable does not need a separate declaration; it is initialized the first time it is referenced in a rule. The following are all variables: foo, BAR, myVar123.

If a variable is unbound and unified with a value, the variable will be bound to that value for the remainder of the rule. If two bound variables are unified, their values will be unified. For example:

# Bind variable `x` -> "hello"
x = "hello"
# With `x` still bound to "hello", unifying it again with "hello" succeeds…
"hello" = x
# …but unifying `x` with "world" fails:
x = "world"
# With `x` still bound to "hello", binding `y` to "world" and then unifying `x`
# and `y` fails
y = "world" and x = y


If a variable occurs only once, then its value can't be used for anything. Such variables are called singletons, and Polar will warn you if they occur in a rule. For example, if you try to load the rule…

user(first, last) if person("George", last);

…you'll see the following message:

Singleton variable first is unused or undefined
001: user(first, last) if person("George", last);

The reason these warnings are important is that, as in this case, they usually indicate logical errors. Here, the error is forgetting to use the first variable, and instead using a literal string ("George") in the call to the person rule.

Singleton variables can be seen as wildcards: their values depend on nothing else in the expression and therefore can be anything. In the example above, first matches any value as long as person("George", last) results in a match.

If you wish to keep an unused parameter in a rule, you can suppress the singleton variable warning by starting your variable's name with an _ (underscore), e.g., change first to _first in the example above. The underscore makes explicit that the variable can match any value.

A variable named just _ (a single underscore) is called an anonymous variable, and it is always a singleton but will never generate a warning. Each occurrence is translated into a fresh variable, guaranteed not to match any other variable. You may therefore have as many anonymous variables in a rule as you like and each will be unique. It's up to you whether to use an anonymous variable or an underscore-prefixed singleton with a more descriptive name.


Operators are used to combine terms in rule bodies into expressions.


Unification is the basic matching operation in Polar. Two values are said to unify if they are equal or if there is a consistent set of variable bindings that makes them equal. Unification is defined recursively over lists: two lists unify if all of their corresponding elements unify.

The unification operator (=) checks if its left and right operands unify; for example, "a" = "a", x = "a", or ["a", "b"] = [x, "b"] where the variable x is either bound to "a" or unbound.

Conjunction (and)

The and operator is used to state that a pair of conditions in a rule's body must both hold. For example, the rule…

oso_employee(first, last) if
is_user(first, last) and
is_employee("Oso", first, last);

…will be satisfied if the person is a user and an Oso employee.

Disjunction (or)

The or operator will be true if either its left or its right operand is true. Disjunctions can always be replaced by multiple rules with identical heads but different bodies, but the or operator may help simplify writing rules with alternatives. For example:

is_user(first, last) if
oso_employee(first, last) or
is_guest(first, last);
# The `or` can be rewritten as a pair of rules:
is_user(first, last) if oso_employee(first, last);
is_user(first, last) if is_guest(first, last);

Negation (not)

The not operator is used to check that a certain fact does not exist. For example:

allow(user, action, resource) if
not is_banned(user) and
has_permission(user, action, resource);

This rule only allows a user to perform an action on a resource if the policy grants them that permission and the user has not been banned.

As overusing negation can make logic indirect and hard to understand, it is limited to facts; you cannot negate a compound expression (e.g. one containing and or or) nor an expression that refers to another rule in your policy. Additionally, all variables used in a negated fact must also be used in a fact that is not negated.

List membership (in)

The in operator can be used to iterate over lists of strings. An in operation looks like this:

x in ["a", "b", "c"]

The left operand, x, is a variable that will be unified with each element in the list. If the right operand is not a list of strings, the in operation will fail.

In the following example, the variable x will be bound to "a", "b", and "c", in turn, and then the x = "a" check will evaluate. This expression will only succeed for the first item in the list, "a".

x in ["a", "b", "c"] and x = "a"

The left operand does not need to be a variable. For example, the following expression will succeed twice since "a" is in the first and fourth positions in the list:

"a" in ["a", "b", "c", "a"]

Integer comparisons

The <, <=, >, and >= operators compare integer values. For example, if you have a fact expires_at(File:foo, 1670280790) indicating the time that the "foo" file expires:

expires_after_y2k38(resource) if
expires_at(resource, time) and time > 2147483647

Patterns and Matching

Polar has powerful pattern matching facilities that can control which rules execute and act as type guards within rule bodies.


Rule heads (the part of the rule before the if keyword) can contain specializers. A specializer is usually an application type, but there are also a couple built-in specializers. When Polar evaluates a query to see if it matches a rule head, the query will only match if the types of the query's arguments match the specializers in the rule head. For example, given the rule…

is_person(_person: Person);

…the lone argument in a query for is_person must be of type Person.

Multiple rules with the same name can be written with different specializers:

is_person(_person: Person);
is_person(_user: User);

Now, the is_person rule will match if the argument is a User or a Person.

matches operator

The matches operator can be used anywhere within a rule body to assert that a variable has a certain type. The semantics are identical to specialization; x matches Person will succeed if x is of type Person and fail otherwise.

Actor and Resource Specializers

Oso provides built-in specializers that will match any application type that has been declared via an actor or resource block.

The Actor specializer will match any application type that has been declared via an actor block, and Resource will match types declared via actor and resource blocks.

For example, the following is a valid head for an allow rule:

allow(actor: Actor, action, resource: Resource) if ...

The Actor and Resource specializers are used by Oso's resource blocks to simplify policies.

Fact type inference

Alongside your policy, Oso uses small pieces of authorization data called facts to make authorization decisions. Facts are concrete pieces of authorization-relevant information about the entities in your application, such as role assignments for specific users. Your application is responsible for providing these facts to Oso. You can learn more about facts here.

Oso infers type information about facts based on how the facts are used in your policy. For example, with a policy like this:

has_permission(user: User, "pet", dog: Dog) if are_friends(user, dog);

Oso infers that it should only accept are_friends facts with two arguments, where the first argument is a User and the second is a Dog.

Oso uses these inferred fact types to prevent you from inserting invalid facts. For example, with the above policy, if you attempted to tell Oso the fact are_friends(User:alice, Rabbit:peter), Oso would reject the fact, because your policy doesn't use facts with the type are_friends(User, Rabbit). Additionally, Oso prevents you from accidentally omitting an argument – Oso will reject are_friends(User:alice), because the second Dog argument is missing.

Oso also uses these inferred types to prevent you from inserting facts that it doesn't know about. This makes it impossible to accidentally insert a fact with a misspelled predicate, like ar_frens(User:alice, Dog:fido).

Overriding inferred types

What if you want Oso Cloud to store a fact that isn't used anywhere in your policy? For instance, maybe you want to tag users by inserting has_tag facts into Oso, anticipating that you might use tags in your policy someday. Or maybe you already tag users and use those in your policy, but you want to start tagging organizations, too.

In these cases, you can use the declare statement to force Oso to accept a certain fact type:

declare has_tag(User, Tag);

This will make Oso accept facts like has_tag(User:alice, Tag:is-cool), even if your policy doesn't currently use facts like this.

You can have multiple declare statements for a given fact predicate:

declare has_tag(User, Tag);
declare has_tag(Dog, Tag);
declare has_tag(Tag, Tag, Tag); # I heard you like tags.

These declare statements form a union type-- as long as a fact matches one of the declared or inferred types, Oso will accept it.

You never need to use a declare statement for fact types that are used in your policy. declare statements are only for making Oso accept fact types that your policy never uses. Most policies will not use declare statements.

Talk to an Oso Engineer

If you'd like to learn more about using Oso Cloud in your app or have any questions about this guide, connect with us on Slack. We're happy to help.

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