Metric Collection

VS Code

The VS Code extension collects non-identifiable metrics that we use to improve Oso. We collect data into un-timestamped batches instead of sending it on every policy load since we care about aggregate statistics, not tracking your personal development behavior. We will never sell this data.

Data collectedPurpose
One-way hash of VS Code machineId (opens in a new tab)Distinguish users in a non-identifiable way. This helps us distinguish 1 user encountering the same error 10,000 times from 1,000 users each encountering it 10 times.
One-way hash of VS Code workspace URI (opens in a new tab)Distinguish errors occurring in project A from errors occurring in project B.
VS Code common metrics (opens in a new tab)Help us debug issues with the extension by isolating them to particular platforms, versions of the extension, etc.
Validation kindHelp us debug issues with the extension by isolating which validations are run on your Polar files (Cloud or Library).
# of diagnostics encountered for a particular load eventFeature usage stats.
# of errors encountered for a particular load eventFeature usage stats.
# of warnings encountered for a particular load eventFeature usage stats.
Boolean indicating whether the load was successful (resulted in no errors)Feature usage stats.
# of rules in the loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of inline queries in the loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of "regular" (non-shorthand) rules in the loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of characters across all files in the loaded policyGet a (very) rough sense of how much Polar code the average policy contains.
# of Polar files tracked by the extensionGet a rough sense for how common multi-file policies are.
# of rule types in the loaded policyDistinguish invalid rule type errors for built-in rule types vs. (possibly) user-defined rule types.
# of resource blocks (actor & resource) in the loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of actor blocks in the loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of resource blocks in the loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of declarations (roles, permissions, and relations) in loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of roles declared in loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of permissions declared in loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of relations declared in loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of shorthand rules in loaded policyFeature usage stats.
# of shorthand rules that cross resource boundaries in loaded policyFeature usage stats.

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