Set up a Pre-Commit Hook

Set Up A Pre-Commit Hook

To automatically validate Polar syntax when you try to commit a change to your policy, you can optionally set up a pre-commit hook.

Copy the script below and save it to .git/hooks/pre-commit in the repository that contains your policy code:

Change the value of "POLAR_FILES" to the locations of your .polar files.

# An example hook script to verify that Polar code that
# is about to be committed is syntactically valid.
# Change this to the paths to your polar files
declare -a POLAR_FILES=(
# See whether any of the polar files changed in this commit
for POLAR_FILE in "${POLAR_FILES[@]}" ; do
if git --no-pager diff --cached --name-status | grep -v "^D" | grep "${POLAR_FILE}" >> /dev/null ; then
# If at least one Polar file has changed, then validate the syntax of all Polar files.
# NOTE: This is necessary because Polar files may reference objects in other Polar files.
! $POLAR_FILES_CHANGED || oso-cloud validate "${POLAR_FILES[@]}"

If you have multiple Polar files, then if any of the files change, you need to revalidate all of them by calling oso-cloud validate on the full list of files.

This is because Polar files can reference objects in other Polar files, so a change to one Polar file could break something in a different Polar file.

To make the hook executable:

$ chmod 0755 .git/hooks/pre-commit

Now, whenever you commit code that updates your Polar files, git will run the oso-cloud validate command. If the command fails, the commit will be blocked. For example, if you have two syntax errors in two files:

$ git commit -m "Try to commit multiple invalid policies"
Policy failed validation:
Policy failed validation due to parser error: did not expect to find the token 'not' at line 1, column 1 of file policy/authorization.polar:
001: not-an-actor User { }
Policy failed validation:
Policy failed validation due to parser error: Expected 'actor' or 'resource' but found 'resorce'. at line 25, column 1 of file policy/authorization2.polar:
025: resorce Repository {

If you fix the errors and try the commit again, it succeeds:

$ git commit -m "Try to commit multiple valid policies"
Policy validated successfully.
[add-policy-tests 76d4809] Try to commit multiple valid policies
2 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

This ensures that your Polar code is always syntactically valid before you commit it to version control.