Authorization Data

Authorization Data

To make authorization decisions, Oso uses two components:

  • Your environment's policy, which describes the logic you want to use
  • Authorization data, which describes your application's current state

When choosing where and how to manage your authorization data, Oso offers the following options:

Authorization dataDescription
Centralized in OsoEach Oso Cloud environment provides a database in which you may store authorization data.
Local authorizationOso lets you describe how facts in your policy are represented in your local database, and then lets you perform the final authorization steps locally.
Context factsAuthorization requests let you provide additional facts, known as context facts.

When to use each type of authorization data

If the dataWe suggest
Affects authorization for a single serviceLocal authorization
Changes frequentlyLocal authorization
Has high cardinalityLocal authorization
Affects authorization for multiple servicesCentralized in Oso
Comes from the request environmentContext facts