

Hey there!

Welcome to Oso - we are delighted you are here.

Let’s explore how to use Oso’s authorization as a service platform for the first time.

In this quickstart, you will learn:

  • How Oso works
  • How to understand your first policy
  • How to add user and role data
  • How to authorize your first user in the Workbench console
  • How to get your free API key
  • How to download an Oso software development kit (SDK) for your go-to programming language
  • How to authorize your first user with your own code.

Once we are complete, we'll be able to authorize using Oso in your own code like this:

import { Oso } from 'oso-cloud'

const apiKey = process.env.OSO_CLOUD_API_KEY;

const oso = new Oso("https://cloud.osohq.com", apiKey);

const authorized = await oso.authorize(
  {type: "User", id: "Alice"},
  {type: "Item", id: "foo"}

console.log("Authorization result was " + authorized);

Let’s get started!

Sign up for Oso Cloud

First, we need to sign-up for an Oso developer account. The developer tier is free for teams of up to 5 developers and 100 monthly active users.

To sign up for Oso Cloud, click here (opens in a new tab).

How Oso works

Oso Cloud's authorization flow

Building authorization with Oso Cloud requires two components:

  1. An authorization policy
  2. User data

An authorization policy is defined using Oso’s domain specific language Polar (opens in a new tab). It is a simple, expressive representation of the authorization rules in your application. A policy written in Polar can be defined using .polar files or Oso’s Workbench console.

User data are defined in Oso as Facts (opens in a new tab). While we define the authorization permissions in Oso with policies, we define the current state of users and resources by storing Facts in Oso. You can add Facts in Oso using your own code or - to get started - Oso’s Workbench console.

With these two main concepts - authorization policies and user data - in mind, let’s create the first component we need: our first policy.

Create your first policy

A diagram illustrating a policy in Oso

Let’s get started creating our first policy. Navigate to the Rules Editor and switch to Workbench mode.

To explore the Workbench, click here (opens in a new tab).

Screenshot of the Rules Editor

Since the Rules Editor is empty, let’s start by creating a resource. To keep it simple, we use a generic example: Item.

Resources can be any data object in your application you wish to secure with authorization. Documents, contacts, files and images are Resources frequently defined in Oso.

Click the input box next to Add a resource , input “Item” and click the + icon.

Screenshot of the Rules Editor after adding an Item resource

We now have a policy with two primitive building blocks - an Actor and a Resource . A User is an actor seeking authorization to access a Resource— in our example, an Item.

With this policy, we can see a User can have two roles on an Item :

  1. viewer
  2. owner

By default, an Item has two roles: a viewer and an owner. A User who is a viewer of an Item cannot edit. A User who is an owner of an Item can edit. In the future, we can customize roles and permissions to our application’s needs.

A User with the owner role can both view and edit an Item.

With these roles defined on our resource Item, we can deploy this policy to Oso.

To deploy our first policy, click the button Deploy in the top right.

Screenshot indicating how to deploy your policy

We now have a usable policy.

To use our policy, next we add user and role data as Facts in Oso.

Add user and role data

A diagram illustrated user and role data - Oso Facts

We store our user and role data in Oso as Facts. Facts are a flexible data model for representing the authorization data from your application.

To start, we create two Facts. These two Facts create two Users with two different roles.

  1. Alice
  2. Bob

We assign Alice the role owner on an Item we call “foo.” We assign Bob the role viewer on an Item we call “foo.”

We can use the Data tab in the Oso console to add these users and roles as Facts.

To add these Facts using the Oso console, click here. (opens in a new tab)

Screenshot of the Data tab

Inside the interface, we can see the type of Fact we want to create: has_role.

Let’s add Alice as an owner of an Item by assigning the has_role Fact.

To add Alice as an owner of an Item , first click Add next to has_role ( Actor, "owner", Item ).

Screenshot of the interface to add a fact

Next, input “Alice” as the User ID.

Then, input “foo” as the item.

Screenshot pointing to where to input the text for your fact

Finally, to save our first Fact assigning Alice as an owner of the Item called “foo,” click Add this fact.

Screenshot pointing to the button to add the fact

Great! We have our first Fact created. Next, we use the same method to add Bob as a viewer for the Item "foo."

To add Bob as a viewer of Item , first click Add next to has_role ( Actor, "viewer", Item ).

Screenshot pointing to where to click to add another Fact.

Next, input “Bob” as the User ID.

Then, input “foo” as the item.

Screenshot point to where to input text for the Fact for Bob.

Finally, to save our first Fact assigning Bob as an viewer of an Item called “foo”, click Add this fact.

Screenshot pointing to the button to add the new fact

Awesome! We have the two components we need to authorize users in Oso:

  1. Our first policy
  2. Our first facts

Next, we test both our policy and our facts by authorizing Alice and Bob in the Oso console.

Authorize your first user

Now we can authorize our first user. We can do that in the Oso console by navigating to Explain.

To authorize our first user, click on Explain (opens in a new tab) in the Oso console.

Screenshot of the Explain tab

First, we test if Alice can view an Item named “foo.”

To test if Alice can view an Item named “foo”, input User:Alice view Item:foo in the Authorize field. Then click Run.

Screenshot of Explain tab with inputted text pointing to the Run button

Download an Oso Software Development Kit (SDK)

Excellent! With our tested policy and Facts, we authorize a user in our application’s code.

First, we download an Oso SDK. Oso publishes SDKs in many popular programming languages to make authorization easier and idiomatic.

To install an Oso SDK, select your programming language of choice and input the terminal command.

npm install oso-cloud

Get your free API key

Nice! With our Oso SDK installed, we next need to get an Oso API key. This secret authenticates the Oso client in our code with Oso Cloud.

To get our free API key from the console, click here (opens in a new tab).

Screenshot of the interface for API keys

As we are using Oso for the first time, we create a development key.

To create a new development API key, click Create development API key.

Screenshot of the interface for API keys pointing to how to add a new development key.

In the Name field, we input "Test".

For our testing purposes, we make this a Read-Only key by clicking Read-Only.

To create our development API key, we click Create.

Screenshot guiding through the steps to create a new API key

Then, we copy the API key to our clipboard by clicking Copy.

Screenshot pointing to the button to copy an API key.

Note: we cannot see this API key again. Store it in a secure location.


This API key is a secret and should not be committed to your source code. Always provide your API key to your application in a secure manner, for example with an environment variable (opens in a new tab).

With our API key stored and exposed securely to our application, we are ready to authorize our first user.

Authorize your first user with code

With our Oso SDK installed and API key exposed to our application, we can authorize our first user. In many languages, this can be achieved in just a few lines of code.

First, we import our Oso SDK.

Then we instantiate an Oso client using our API key.

Next, create a value for the user named Alice.

Next, we create the Value of our resource, starting with an Item named foo.

Finally, we authorize our actor_value for the permission edit with our item_value.

import { Oso } from 'oso-cloud'

const apiKey = process.env.OSO_CLOUD_API_KEY;

const oso = new Oso("https://cloud.osohq.com", apiKey);

const authorized = await oso.authorize(
  {type: "User", id: "Alice"},
  {type: "Item", id: "foo"}

console.log("Authorization result was " + authorized);

If our authorization is successful, we should see the result be True.

Let’s see if we can do the same for our User Bob.

First, we change our actor_value to the User Bob.

Then we authorize actor_value for the permission edit with our previously defined item_value.

import { Oso } from 'oso-cloud'

const apiKey = process.env.OSO_CLOUD_API_KEY;

const oso = new Oso("https://cloud.osohq.com", apiKey);

const authorized = await oso.authorize(
  {type: "User", id: "Bob"},
  {type: "Item", id: "foo"}

console.log("Authorization result was " + authorized);

If our authorization is unsuccessful - as Bob is a viewer - we should see the result be False.

What’s next

Congratulations! We completed our first authorization with Oso.

We’re excited that you’re here and can’t wait to learn more about what you are building.

Continue your journey with Oso by learning more about policies, Facts and best practices for authorization.

Talk to an Oso engineer

If you'd like to learn more about using Oso Cloud in your app or have any questions about this guide, connect with us on Slack. We're happy to help.

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